Monday, December 10, 2012

Third Six Weeks Lesson Links

Here are the art lesson links for the third six weeks lessons.
Kindergarten: Integrates with math (patterns). Choose one:

Patterned Owls: Your choice of lesson and medium. A templates for a body and eyes are fine as long as students draw around. - click on a post on the right called Stuffed Owls for pictures of students doing this project

Kandinsky Circles: Your choice or lesson and medium. Circle templates are fine as long as they draw around and cut out them out. - this website has information about Russian artist, Wassily Kandinsky

Kandinsky Turkeys: from a preschool blog, but kinder could do these more independently. Circle templates at fine as long as they draw around and cute them out.

First Grade: Integrates with Social Studies (Legends, fables, folktales). Choose one.

Peacock Lesson: (use with Aesops Fable, the Jay and the Peacock)

Turkey Lesson: (use with the native American legend, Why the Turkey Gobbles) and for more kid examples:

Popcicle Stick Puppets:

Fairy Tales lesson plans:

Second Grade: Integrates with Social Studies (state symbols)

Blue Lacy websites:

Lesson plans featuring the Blue Dog paintings by Louisiana artist, George Rodrigue:

Click on his personal website to view his works. Click on Art, then Paintings, then Blue Dogs

Third Grade: Choose one:

Pop Art Pyramids: Integrates with math (3D geometry) - the lesson features Brazilian Pop artist, Romaro Britto. Click on the Pyramid Project link within this site. Go to Photo Gallery to see the construction of the pyramid by Britto and local students. Go to to view more of his work (go to Gallery, click on Originals and click on the first few - #12 is not appropriate, or you can click on Sculptures to get an idea of his style.

Landscapes of Landforms: Integrates with science (landforms) Also you can introduce the artist, British artist, David Hockney and his landscapes.

OR - scroll down to painted landscape called "Peaks and Valleys"

Fourth Grade: Integrates with social studies (Texas Revolution) - we will feature Texas heroes.

Texas Hero Micrography Portraits: - explanation and example of micrography - explanation and examples of calligrams - a site showing how to enlarge the lesson to poster size for groups or classes

Fifth Grade: Choose one

Political Symbols - Cartooning - Integrates with social studies (political symbols) - site for the background of the donkey and elephant symbols. Use the word "donkey" to explain the origin. Thomas Nast, an early American cartoonist is our featured artist.

- how to draw a donkey (the Shrek Donkey - integrates with Art TEKS 3C - use of art skills in a variety of jobs)

3D Geometry - Op Art Cubes - Integrates with math (3D geometry)

Op Art is short for Optical Illusion abstract Art that tricks the eye and seems to move or vibrate. Brtish artist, Bidget Riley, is one of the most famous Op artists - Slideshow of Bridget Riley's Op Art - scroll down and click on a link called abstract paintings by Bridget Riley - lesson plan for cubes - click on the link, her usual Op art lesson for how-to instructions